Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Rasa in Music

The idea of rasa are feeling is one of the fundamental concepts of Indian aesthetics. The nine rasas are impressively depicted in some of the ancient sculptures and paintings. The subject of rasas is treated by Bharatha Muni in his Natya Shastra.
The rasa in common parlance means juice, essence, satisfaction or taste. The classical list of nine rasas are Sringara rasa (Love), Vira rasa (Courage), Karuna rasa (Compassion), Adbhuta rasa (Surprise), Hasya rasa (Laughter), Bahayanaka rasa (Terror), Bheebhatsya rasa (Disgust), Raudra rasa (Anger), Shantha rasa (Peace). These nine rasas are not exhaustive; there are also other rasas like Vatsalya and Patriotism. Rasanubhava through  music is an experience and as a psychological basis.
Treatises on music in Sanskrit and the vernaculars, written during the ancient medieval an modern period exists, but few of them have dealt with this subject at length. The subject of "rasa in music" as not received as much attention as rasa in literature and drama.


Music and migrations

The migration of Indian musical instruments to the countries surrounding India at an early period forms an interesting subject of study. I...